Court mostly upholds FCC repeal of net neutrality, rejects state legislature ban

Net neutrality - Court mostly upholds FCC repeal of net neutrality, rejects state legislature ban

By Zach Batia

A federal appeals court upheld much of the FCC's attempt to repeal obama era net neutrality laws Tuesday, but rejected the agency's request to bar states from enforcing their own regulations.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld most of the FCC rollbacks, but found that the agency failed to show that it had "legal authority" to prevent states from enforcing their own laws on net neutrality, according to PC Magazine.

The court's ruling is unlikely to be the last word on the case. A coalition of tech companies, states, and advocacy groups opposed to FCC chairman Ajit Pai's rollback attempts aims to have the trial reheard by a full complement of judges or the supreme court, according to Politico.

Pai has been seeking rollbacks of Obama era policies requiring internet providers to treat web traffic equally.

Pai is supported by many of the largest cable and internet provider corporations in the country, who would have the most to gain from the ability to charge a premium for faster internet speeds and throttle connectivity for lesser paying customers.
